The average house price on HILLHOUSE LANE is £122,181
The most expensive house in the street is 107 HILLHOUSE LANE with an estimated value of £180,614
The cheapest house in the street is 17 HILLHOUSE LANE with an estimated value of £72,408
The house which was most recently sold was 5A HILLHOUSE LANE, this sold on 15 Dec 2017 for £100,000
The postcodes for HILLHOUSE LANE are HD1 6EF, HD1 6BT
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 HILLHOUSE LANE Detached , 80 m2 £138,364 £72,964 26 Nov 2004
5A HILLHOUSE LANE Terraced £126,645 £100,000 15 Dec 2017
15 HILLHOUSE LANE Terraced £112,769 £72,000 29 Oct 2007
17 HILLHOUSE LANE Terraced £72,408 £45,000 10 Jan 2014
19 HILLHOUSE LANE Terraced , 55 m2 £102,286 £55,000 21 Jun 2005
107 HILLHOUSE LANE Terraced £180,614 £40,000 29 Mar 1999